Taughannock Falls – the highest waterfalls east of the Rocky Mountains

Today I will write about something completely different. While the last blog entries were all about Fuerteventura, today there is something completely different.

When you talk about New York, everyone thinks only of New York City. However, there is still the whole of New York State, and it can boast impressive nature.

A beautiful region is the Fingerlake Region, named after the very long but very narrow lakes that look like fingers from the air. Ithaka, a small town with a famous university (Cornell University), is located on Cayuga Lake. The fascinating thing about this region is its multitude of waterfalls.

And the highest of these waterfalls, the Taughannock Falls, I have visited two times. There are different ways to get to the main case. The first way is to walk upstream from the lake. There is a parking lot at the lake, which is best reached if you drive north on 89 in Ithaca, always along the lake shore. From the parking lot you can walk to the main fall in 10 to 15 minutes.

However, you can also take the other route downstream. To do this, take 96 north from Ithaka towards Trumansburg and turn right just before Trumansburg towards Taughannock Falls State Park, and follow the signs. You will soon reach a parking lot and from there you can take a signposted hiking trail downstream to the actual falls. However, the view here is really impressive. But see for yourself:

So if you are ever in this region, I definitely recommend a visit to Ithaca and Taughannock Falls State Park.

As always, here are a few pictures to finish off:

Der Weg vom Cayuga Lake aus

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Der Weg vom Cayuga Lake aus

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