Gran Canaria – Excursions to the island capital – Part 2

Today part 2 of the series on excursion tips in Las Palmas. Like part 1 of this series, the part is also suitable for parents with teenagers, at least the two 16 year old boys with us had a lot of fun in the museum.

Parking is relatively easy in the museum’s underground car park and as far as I can remember it wasn’t very expensive either.

But first of all, as always, some details:


Muelle Sta. Catalina

35008 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Las Palmas, Spain

Phone +34 828 01 18 28
Opening hours Tuesday – Sunday: 10:00 am – 8:00 pm

Adults: 6 €

Reduced: 3 €

The nice thing about the museum is that you can not only just look at many areas, but also touch and participate. As can be seen below, you can enter the cockpit of an old airliner (DC 9) or a fighter jet (Northrop F5). The museum also houses a 3D cinema and a planetarium. On the first floor you can experience various phenomena from areas of physics or mathematics for yourself.

All in all, you can discover a lot here and spend a good day.

The highlight for children and teenagers is the Robocoaster, where you are thrown around in all three spatial dimensions. You can tell whoever is operating the control device how bad you want it to be. If you’re cheeky, it can make your face quite white 🙂


If you are still hungry after your visit, there are many small restaurants in the area where you can eat deliciously.

Depending on how long you’ve spent in the museum, I recommend a visit to the Jardin Botanico Carnario afterwards. A short report on this follows in the third part.

Im Cockpit eines alten Verkehrsflugzeugs

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Im Cockpit eines alten Verkehrsflugzeugs

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