Jardin de Cactus – The cactus garden

Today I have a new report and place to visit when you are visiting Lanzarote. This time we visited the “Jardin de cactus”, the cactus garden. You can find it in the small town of Guatiza and, you guess it, the garden was developed and constructed by the local artist Cesar Manrique. You can get to the garden relatively easy via the LZ-1. No matter if you are coming from the north or the south, there are visible signs which lead you there.

You will find out that you are in a special area. In most of the gardens you can see lots of cactus. The reason is very simple: you can find the Cochineal here. Those insects were used in the past to get carminic acid, which can be used to dye fabrics, food or products like lipsticks.


Av. Garafía
35544 Guatiza
Phone +34 901 20 03 00
Homepage http://www.cactlanzarote.com/en/cact/jardin-de-cactus/
Opening hours

10:00 – 17:00


6,50 €

Minors pay half the price

I recommend to buy combination tickets, with which you can visit up to 6 different places and save up to 9,50 €. If you plan to visit more tourist attractions I can highly recommend to use this offer.

We arrived shortly after 10 in the morning and you should definitely be early as well. You can enjoy the garden and the plants there. After 11:00 the place will get more and more crowded

When we entered the garden, we felt like we arrive in an amphitheater. There are different terraces with cactus plants, from very small and tiny up to huge cactus trees with cactus pears. You can get some impressions in the gallery at the bottom of the post. The largest cactus are located at the centre of the amphitheater, like they are presented on a stage. Some of the largst cactus really look more like trees as their trunks are lignified.

In the souvenir shop you can buy small cactus and even cactus seed. Or you can buy jam made of cactus pears, pure, or in combination with other fruits like bananas.

If you are hungry you can get some food or drinks in the small cafe. If you want, you can even try the cactus burger as the highlight of the menu. But it was still too early too have lunch, so we decided to have a coffee and then go back to the hotel.

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1 Response

  1. 23. February 2021

    […] already described in my post about the Jardin de Cactus and the Jameos del Agua you can get discounts if you buy combined tickets and save some money. A […]

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